Course Project
Case Study
The completion of this course required the analysis of a case study outlining a conflict between a husband and wife. The conflict centered upon the struggles between Sarah, an overtasked employee who was also working on her Master's Degree, and Russell, a hard-working husband who does not feel he is important to Sarah, and the relational conflict they each have with one another. The purpose of the analysis is to identify and expound upon relational goals, conflict styles, and destructive conflict patterns and behaviors depicted within the case study, as well as the integration of a peer-reviewed article to support one of the subtopics listed. This case study analysis draws on various aspects of communication, conflict management, and reasonings behind what contributes to conflict within interpersonal relationships.
I loved working on this analysis, as it was vastly different from the usual kinds of papers required in my psychology classes, and taught me to look at conflict situations differently. Prior to this class, I would have been more confrontational with regards to personal conflict situations. I struggled with understanding why I encountered so much conflict with other business owners while conducting business of my own. Since taking this class, I now understand how to handle conflicts better when encountering them in my professional relationships, as well as how to mitigate conflict with my own spouse.
Discussion of Skills
-Plan, organize, and prioritize work: I started working on this paper very early in the semester. I wanted to ensure I had ample time to read the material and ensure I was understanding how to properly interpret the material to meet the rubric requirements. I started by organizing all of the pieces of information pertaining to each subtopic into sections that were more manageable. I set aside a few hours a week to read, interpret, and organize into separate pieces of paper, and took notes to ensure I could address any questions in class.
-Obtain and process information: I had to use critical thinking skills, our textbook, and outside resources in order to complete this analysis.
-Demonstrate computer software proficiency: In order to complete my analysis effectively, I needed to utilize several software programs. I used Apple Pages, which is the equivalent to Microsoft Office to write my paper, the ODU Online Library to research an article to synthesize into my analysis, and Canvas to submit my assignment.
Future Application
This experience afforded me the opportunity to analyze a conflict by focusing on the behaviors and meanings behind what the individuals said and did. As a third-party looking at this case study, I learned how to approach each conflict situation I encounter in the same method. This will come in extremely helpful when dealing with my future relationships, as I will be able to identify what my partner needs based on several other factors besides only what they say. With regards to my desire to enter into the research sector of Psychology, I can absolutely use these skills to manage my professional relationships with my research partners, patients that I may come in contact with, and other professionals within the field who are relevant and necessary to my career.