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PSYC 318



It is the overall goal of this course to build on your previous experience in other psychology classes and build skills in reading, interpreting, conducting, and reporting research. Focus on how to critique scientific claims, assimilate information from scientific research to form logical and novel research questions, understand the research process and methods of psychological research, and ethically collect, analyze, and report research findings. 

Course Project

Research Paper




The completion of this course required each group to formulate a scientifically accurate hypothesis about a psychological issue we were interested in and carry out a simulated experiment complete with all aspects required in a formal scientific paper that would be presented to a peer-reviewed journal.  Attached is the paper that our group completed throughout the entirety of the course.  For completion, we were required to collaborate regularly throughout the development of the research paper and its various stages while simultaneously learning about the importance of each section and the required information contained within them.  We were required to reflect on past courses, like our PSYC 317 - Quantitative Statistics class, and and draw on the lessons learned from those classes in order to understand the concept of the paper. 




I thoroughly enjoyed working on all aspects of this research project.  The completion of this paper solidified my love for research and writing, and has inspired me to change my course of study from Clinical Treatment to Research.  I did not expect a course project to become a passion project, but I am so thankful for having been given the opportunity to create something I am passionate about, with students who were equally as passionate on the topic and content.  


Discussion of Skills


-Work in a team structure: We were assigned to a group of three people per group for the completion of assignments and our research project.  Together, we delegated tasks between one another, took turns running meetings with both ourselves and the TA assigned to assist us, and collaborating effectively by using each others experiences to gain a better understanding of how our team was going to function.

-Make decisions and solve problems: Before we even start our project, we created a team contract that outlined the policies and procedures we would hold ourselves accountable to.  We designated a team leader through whom we all felt would maintain our contract and lead the group successfully.  Throughout the development of our paper, we would discuss content decisions and flow of the paper as we were writing it. We would communicate regularly when we had questions regarding writing, facts, and other content that my or may not be relevant.  We would strive to arrive at mutually agreeable terms when faced with a problem and felt confident that we could voice those problems without judgement.  

-Communicate verballyWe met regularly each week via Zoom to collaborate and discuss upcoming deadlines and content requirements.  We listened carefully to each other to completely understand concerns and points-of-view to ensure we respond effectively.  

-Analyze quantitative dataFor the completion of our paper, we were given data with which to run our experiment and compute our test data to determine the significance of the variables.  We used the SPSS program in order to interpret our data analysis and finding section.

-Plan, organize, and prioritize work: We collaborated constantly as a team to ensure we completed work before the deadline.  We organized our writings into a collaboration document to pull from for writing.  We would make suggestions for information to change or content to be reviewed, and would discuss them during a zoom meeting.  Before we would end our meetings, we would prioritize tasks to complete before certain dates to ensure we had ample time to collaborate prior to turning in our work.  We were also very adaptable to our meeting times and managing our workload.  

-Demonstrate computer software proficiency: To complete our research project, we utilized various computer programs to help us achieve success.  We collaborated on our paper by using Google Docs.  We each used either Microsoft Word or Apple Pages to write individual sections.  We utilized the ODU Online Library to research our peer-reviewed articles and other sources of information.  We also used IBM  SPSS Statistical Analysis program to run our data analysis, and Zoom was used to attend regular collaboration meetings. 


Future Application


This experience fueled a passion for research that I did not realize I had.  While this was only scratching the surface of what is truly required for a quality research paper, I believe that it taught me many valuable lessons regarding the creation of a research piece worthy of the field of Psychology.  I was able to learn new ways of gathering information, and synthesizing that information together to create a quality product that was reflective of the time and effort I contributed to it.  A researcher must be able to understand background information for a proposed study, research methods used, ensure ethical and procedural protocols are followed throughout the experiment, and honor the timelines associated with project completion.  Many peer-reviewed papers that are published have several authors who contribute to its creation, and their time is equally as valuable as my own.  All of these factors, and several others not listed, will surely contribute to my work within the field of research.  


Applied Research

Omega Laboratory

Dr. Miguel Padilla


The main purpose of the lab is to develop, explore, and apply general quantitative methodology in the sciences. The adaptability of quantitative methodology allows lab members to operate on the intersection of many fields – psychology, psychometrics, sociology, education, program evaluation, medicine, and many others. This is reflected in the diverse applied projects, interests, and specialization of lab members, which make for a unique and vibrant environment for conducting research.

Lab Project

Research Poster



This project required me to focus on past lessons through PSYC 317: Quantitative Statistics and PSYC 318: Research Methods in order to comprehend the material provided from Dr. Padilla's research.  I was provided a codebook from past research that he had done and utilized that data to develop my own research poster comparing the effects of academic passion on burnout.  




This project was so much fun, and it expanded my passion for research all over.  I enjoyed collaborating with Dr. Padilla, discussing the data from SPSS, and chatting about the implications of a society where institution threatened passion.  This whole experience has helped me open my mind to other perspectives in Psychology and how to properly collect data required for analysis.


Discussion of Skills


-Communicate verballyWe met regularly every two weeks via Zoom to collaborate and discuss upcoming deadlines and content requirements.  I listened carefully to Dr. Padilla's information and took many notes to ensure that I was able to complete tasks we chose to discuss at the next meeting.  

-Analyze quantitative dataFor the completion of this poster, I utilized data collected a few years ago from a study.  I chose a few variables from the study to develop a research question, and then analyzed the data for those variables to discover the impact they had on one another.

-Plan, organize, and prioritize work: I had to plan out the study, do the background research, analyze the data, organize my notes, and prioritize tasks in-between our meeting times to stay on track.  I wanted to always make sure that I had questions to ask during those meetings, and provided different perspectives of the data to discuss to ensure I understood the data completely.

-Demonstrate computer software proficiency: To complete this poster, I needed to use several programs.  SPSS helped me analyze the data and research the relationships created by the various participants who responded to the survey.  Apple Pages and Goodnotes helped me keep track of notes, questions, and any information collected during the background information gathering.  Apple Keynote and Microsoft PowerPoint was used to design the poster. 


Future Application


This project was such an amazing opportunity to really see if research was what I wanted to do.  I believe having an experience like this adequately prepared me for what employers in the future will expect when projects like this arise.  I was able to practice past lessons from several Psychology courses and cumulate them into this project that I am so incredibly proud of!  Having a mentor like Dr. Padilla to approach with my thoughts and perspectives afforded me the opportunity to make mistakes, learn from them, and experience the research field in a manner that built-up my confidence.  

© 2023 by Lace Schlappi

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